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Nathan Payne is a songwriter and bandleader who travels the world in search of the golden ticket.  With 21 albums to his credit, he now resides in Latin America.  Listen to select tracks on ReverbNation, and click on the button below for his full discography.

Singer-songwriters like Denver Williams exemplify everything that’s right and exciting about the evolution of Texas music currently brewing in creative hotspots like Fort Worth.  Appreciative of the past without falling into slavish imitation, Denver’s songs are engaging pastiches that draw from everyday experiences and tap his mastery of wide-ranging styles.  While his music may not fit neatly into tags like “Americana," or hyphenated labels like “cosmic country” or “psychedelic honky tonk," they do acknowledge the vastness of his sound palette.

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© 2016-2025 Sound Heart Records

  • ReverbNation
  • White SoundCloud Icon
  • Youtube
  • Bandcamp

Sound Heart Records is a subsidiary of Pablo Smog Publishing, LLC

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