American Migrant
We are currently in pre-production for American Migrant, an epic arthouse road movie charting an undocumented rock & roll singer and his songwriter friends from Texas across Mexico as they guitar-bomb the bars of Tenochtitlan, the streets of Monterrey, and all the primal desert in between.
It will be epic, like a punk-rock Lawrence of Arabia, a Kevin Costner Western dipped in leather, or the first scenes of No Country For Old Men, sweeping in its hi-def, Mexican desert vastness. Dr. Zhivago, speaking gringo Spanish in the sun. But it will also be arthouse, like some gritty film made by lo-fi people from New York. The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly, for musicians.
Will our frazzled heroes travel beyond the bird's nest of barbed wire? Will they make it through the narcobloqueos and the Soviet-Aztec police checkpoints, and into the arid cactus heavens? Will their expired legal status stop them? Will angels intervene on behalf of the pale mariachi? Will the expired love interest make the trip, to increase dramatic tension? Will our heroes bribe their way through the narco ghosts of Mexico?
Or will they consume the dust of scorpions and thieves?​​
The Poor Man's
Nick Cave Tour
In October 2018, Nathan Payne went on a tour of Latin America, following Nick Cave from Mexico City to Las Vegas by way of South America.
The Poor Man's Nick Cave Tour took the same path as the real Nick Cave tour, except it was a lot dirtier, and more insane.
Recorded from beginning to end with no editing by Rodrigo Moya at Onaciu in Santiago de Chile, Live in Santiago is an excellent snapshot of the tour. In addition to many live standards, it also contains old favorites like "A Beautiful Place," and even a ramshackle cover of "Blue Velvet."
Released on Dia De Los Muertos 2018, the perfect day to release a live album, Live in Santiago is available on Bandcamp via private download code. Contact us for more information.